Welcome to Sprague Little League and the 2025 Season!
Sprague Little League is committed to a safe and enjoyable baseball season in 2025. This page will serve to remind you of the safety practices we need to use when practicing, playing or attending games for Sprague Little League.
It is important to know the required Medical Release Form needs to be completed and given to the team manager/coach before the first practice. Further information related to safety will be within the ASAP safety plan, to be updated on this site before the 2025 season begins. We will follow SKPS, local and state mandates and guidelines as it relates to safety.
We are incorporating Best Practices from Little League International to help ensure the safety of our players, volunteers,and fans. We will adjust as necessary throughout the season to stay current on these guidelines and Best Practices while at the same time working to have the best possible season for everyone involved.
If you have questions about any of our safety protocols, please contact our Safety Officer, Greg Astley, here.
Player Safety - Child Protection Program
Little League Child Protection Program
State Specific Information on Child Abuse
SB 1547, ORS §329A.030, ORS § 329A.250, and ORS § 329A.255
A person operating a “school-age recorded program” may not operate the program without becoming recorded with the Office of Child Care (ORS § 329A.255). To obtain a recording, the person must apply to the Office by submitting a completed record application form. The record will authorize operation of the “school-age recorded program” only on the premises described in the record and only by the person named in the record. The statute defines “school-age recorded program” as a program for school-age children that is not operated by a school district, is not required to be certified or registered and in which “youth development activities” are provided to children during hours that school is not in session and does not take the place of parent’s care (See ORS § 329A.250 for definitions). “Youth development activities” means care, supervision or guidance that is intended for enrichment, including but not limited to teaching skills or proficiency in physical, social, or educational activities such as social activities, sports and recreational activities.
An individual in a “school-age recorded program” who may have unsupervised contact with children and an operator or employee of a “school-age recorded program” is a “subject individual” pursuant to ORS § 329A.030(10)(d) and (j). A “subject individual” shall apply to and must be enrolled in the Central Background Registry. Additionally, a school-age recorded program may not hire or employ an individual if the individual is not enrolled in the Central Background Registry (See ORS § 329A.030(8)).
The Oregon Revised Statutes (O.R.S.) which contains the codified laws of Oregon is published in odd numbered years. Thus, the most recent version is the O.R.S. 2021 Edition. Instructions for using 2022 Oregon laws can be viewed online at: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/lc/ORSupdate/instructions.pdf
O.R.S. 2021 Edition Chapter 329A can be viewed online at: https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/bills_laws/ors/ors329A.html
The 2022 Amendments to the above referenced Sections of the O.R.S. can be viewed online at:
School-Age Recorded Program Application can be found at: