Registration Information for the 2025 Spring Season
Online registration opens December 13, 2024 with an Early Bird Discount running through January 3, 2025. On January 4, registration will continue at our regular rates through our close date of February 14, 2025. Registrations after February 14 will be placed on a waitlist and will only be released if a spot becomes available. NOTICE: A $20.00 late fee will incur at the time of release for all waitlisted registrations.
In-Person Registration Event will be held on Monday, January 13, 2025, from 6:30-8:30PM at Crossler Middle School. This is mandatory for any new registrants and families in need of assistance with the registration process. Please bring your players Original Birth Certificate and proof of residence or school-related eligibility (see the checklist). This event will also serve as an open house style parent orientation. Please attend if you have any questions about the upcoming season.
To help streamline and guide your registration process, we have provided easy access links to relevant details, followed by pertinent informative pages to address
League Eligibility,
Registration Fees,
Volunteer Service Requirements,
Volunteer Opportunities,
Volunteer Training Mandates and
Team Concession Stand Assignments.
We continue to work hard behind the seams and have taken measures to tailor our registration content to provide transparent information at your fingertips. Hopefully, this page will enhance your experience when you are ready to register your Little Leaguer® for our Spring Season!
Easy Access Links:
Spring Baseball Divisions of Play
LL International Age Calculator
2025 Baseball Age Chart
Key Dates
Documents & Forms
Fees/Refund Policies
New For 2025 - Regulation II Update - League Eligibility
Starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the Little League® Baseball and Softball program (League Age 4-7) will have the ability to register for any Little League® program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements.
For more information about League Choice, please review this document:
Regulation II
Registration Fees
Tee Ball (ages 4-6): $75
Minor A Baseball (ages 6-7): $135
Minor AA Baseball (ages 7-9): $135
Minor AAA Baseball (ages 8-11): $155
Majors LL Baseball (ages 10-12): $155
Intermediate 50/70 Baseball (ages 11-13): $160
Juniors Baseball (ages 12-14): $160
Seniors Baseball (ages 13-16): $160
NOTICE: 501(c)(3) non-profit youth sports organizations are now charged hourly for the use of Salem-Keizer Public Schools' facilities and sports fields. For this reason, it was deemed necessary to raise Sprague LL fees by $10 for Spring 2025 Baseball.
Volunteer Service Requirement
To keep our registration fees low and offer the opportunity for children in our community to play baseball, each family in Sprague LL will be required to volunteer two (2) hours minimum and complete the following steps in order to receive a refund of the
$50 deposit applied during registration.
Complete the mandatory Abuse Awareness Training required annually by Little League® International before applying to volunteer with us. (See "Volunteer Mandate" below)
- Complete a Volunteer Application online by clicking the volunteer tab within your account on the site.
- Complete and pass a Background Check by filling out the volunteer application and submitting a government-issued photo ID.
Complete and submit a 2025 Volunteer Service Record signed by your team’s Manager or a Board Member. Forms must be submitted before July 1 to qualify for a refund.
For more information, please review this document:
Volunteer Service Requirement Explained
Volunteer Opportunities
Sprague Little League is committed to providing a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit each family’s unique situation and abilities. Such opportunities include but are not limited to: Assistant Coach, Team Manager, General Volunteer, Team Parent, Umpire, Concession Helper, Field Prep, Committee Member, Social Media Photographer, and Picture Day Assistant. No experience is required, and training will be provided for all positions as deemed necessary.
Please find a volunteer role that interests you the most, one you can commit to, and raise your hand. As a parent, volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel with each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child’s life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals.
While you’ll find your volunteer work extremely worthwhile and gratifying, it is the Little Leaguers® who will benefit the most. Sign up to volunteer while registering your child and help us to provide a fun and memorable 2025 season!
Volunteer Training Mandate
The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League® program continues to be paramount. It is on all of us to do our part to provide a fun, memorable, and safe experience each year.
With the requirement of ALL volunteers to complete Abuse Awareness training each year, we are proud to announce the launch of the new Little League Abuse Awareness Training Course. This course
is designed to provide essential resources for creating a positive and safe environment for all Little League participants, including youth athletes, coaches, volunteers, parents, umpires, and spectators.NOTICE: The new Little League Abuse Awareness Training Course serves as a replacement for the programs previously available through third-party organizations like USA Baseball. It is customized to the Little League® program, which provides an easier learning experience for all Little League® volunteers. In order to volunteer with us this season, please take the required training and education course by visiting or following the steps below.
to the Training Portal or Create
a new account and follow the prompts.
- In the left margin, click ALL and scroll down to find Abuse Awareness.
After you take the course, you will be emailed your Certificate of Completion. You can also access your certificate from your learner dashboard.
Upload your certificate in your registration account under Training Certifications (First Aid, CPR, Concussion, Abuse Awareness).
Completion of the Little League Abuse Awareness Course is valid for the season in which the course was taken and must be completed on an annual basis. Similar to background checks, which must be completed annually through JDP, the certificate will expire on October 1 each year. You will not be allowed to volunteer in any Little League® activities until you have completed the course. It is encouraged that volunteers complete the training as soon as possible once their volunteer applications are submitted in order to be eligible to volunteer as soon as the background check is approved.
Team Concession Stand Assignments
Each team will be assigned either a Monday-Friday block of time or a full Saturday block of time. Managers and Team Parents should work together to coordinate a sign-up list based on the dates and times. Shifts in the concession stand are typically 90 minutes and 2-3 people are needed for each shift. For example, the Intermediate Giants are assigned a Monday-Friday block. Their sign up for shifts would look like this (the following names are for example only):
Monday - 1st Shift Monday - 2nd Shift
5:00-6:30pm: Mickey Mantle
:30-8:00pm: Ty Cobb 5:00-6:30pm: Babe Ruth
6:30-8:00pm: Jackie Robinson
Tuesday - 1st Shift Tuesday - 2nd Shift
5:00-6:30pm: Reggie Jackson
6:30-8:00pm: Willie Mays 5:00-6:30pm: Nolan Ryan
6:30-8:00pm: Ted Williams
Saturday shifts typically begin at 8am and end around 4pm. Blocks will be assigned once all teams have been formed for the season. This usually happens in March after registration, tryouts and the draft selection process has ended.
Concessions contributes to keeping the registration costs down for families. Sprague LL relies on concession sales as a crucial source of revenue to cover operational costs like field maintenance, equipment purchases, uniforms, and other expenses associated with running the league. The majority of the funds needed often come from parent volunteers staffing the concession stand during games. Without volunteers, the concession stand cannot operate.
Our concessions stand or “Snack Shack” acts as a gathering point for parents, players, and spectators, fostering a sense of community around the league. Helping in the Snack Shack can be one of the most fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities for parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, and more.
Come join the fun selling hot dogs and drinks and make a Little Leaguer® smile with a bag of freshly popped popcorn! Your volunteer time in the Snack Shack will count toward the two (2) hour volunteer service requirement for this season.